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CBSE/Class 10
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This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It goes beyond many of the limitations of traditional Mathematics teaching, where rote memorization of formulas and theorem is all about.
The new Framework and education Policy consider Learning Mathematics is not about remembering solutions or methods but knowing how to solve problems in more formal way. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises, as at the secondary stage, the child enters into more formal mathematics. They need to see the connections with what they have studied so far, consolidate it and begin to try and understand the formal thought process involved.
In this Mathematics Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that makes Mathematics classroom alive and interactive in which the children make linkages with their life and experiences, and across the curriculum, and focused upon while transacting the curriculum. The idea is to allow the learner to realize how and why mathematics is all around us.

Premium Courses


Class 07 - Computer Syllabus

  1. Computer and its Components
  2. Advanced GIMP
  3. Tables
  4. Forms
  5. Network Security
  6. DHTML and CSS 

English - First Flight

This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It goes beyond traditional English Language teaching, which involves reading books and writing solution of exercise.
The new Framework and education Policy consider that, at the secondary stage of education, the English class should not be seen as a place merely to read poems and stories in, but an area of activities to develop the learner’s imagination as a major aim of language study, and to equip the learner with communicative skills to perform various language functions through speech and writing. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises which enables students to build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication, to develop the ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and inquiry and to use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings.
In this English Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that includes a wider range of contemporary and authentic texts, accessible and culturally appropriate pieces of literature learning materials, which should play a pivotal role at the secondary stage of education.

English - Foot Prints

This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It goes beyond traditional English Language teaching, which involves reading books and writing solution of exercise.

The new Framework and education Policy consider that, at the secondary stage of education, the English class should not be seen as a place merely to read poems and stories in, but an area of activities to develop the learner’s imagination as a major aim of language study, and to equip the learner with communicative skills to perform various language functions through speech and writing. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises which enables students to build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication, to develop the ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and inquiry and to use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings.

In this English Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that includes a wider range of contemporary and authentic texts, accessible and culturally appropriate pieces of literature learning materials, which should play a pivotal role at the secondary stage of education.


This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It emphasises on the idea that Language is not only a means of communication, but it is also a medium through which we receive most of the information, and this is a key factor in secondary level where language became a system that; to a large extent, organizes the realities and events around us in our brain .
The new Framework and education Policy consider that all human beings use language for different purposes. Even children with a variety of disabilities, such as those who are visually or hearing impaired, use complex and rich systems of communication, just as any normal child does. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises that should reflect the totality of the child's linguistic development.
In this Hindi Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that goes beyond the familiar confines of language teaching, and enables to understand different subject areas, such as history, physics or mathematics as our curriculum centred around the concept that, Whether we see nature or society, we see them to a large extent through the structure of our language. This course is designed as a broad framework to understand the Hindi language.

Hindi Grammar

This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It emphasises on the idea that Language is not only a means of communication, but it is also a medium through which we receive most of the information, and this is a key factor in secondary level where language became a system that; to a large extent, organizes the realities and events around us in our brain .

The new Framework and education Policy consider that all human beings use language for different purposes. Even children with a variety of disabilities, such as those who are visually or hearing impaired, use complex and rich systems of communication, just as any normal child does. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises that should reflect the totality of the child's linguistic development.

In this Hindi Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that goes beyond the familiar confines of language teaching, and enables to understand different subject areas, such as history, physics or mathematics as our curriculum centred around the concept that, Whether we see nature or society, we see them to a large extent through the structure of our language. This course is designed as a broad framework to understand the Hindi language.


This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It goes beyond many of the limitations of traditional Science teaching and help children learn to become autonomous learners.
The new Framework and education Policy consider that it is important that Science Syllabus give children the needed space, and not tie them down with constraints of a long list of ‘topics’ waiting to be ‘covered’. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises to make the Science interesting and challenging without being loaded with factual information.
In this Science Course, Hunar India introduces a comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum which is presented as a live and growing body of knowledge rather than a finished product.

Social Science

This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2020). It goes beyond many of the limitations of traditional Social Science teaching, which Focuses on rote memorization of lot of facts and figures.
The new Framework and education Policy consider that, at the secondary stage, Social Sciences help the learners in understanding the environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook. Because of this, Hunar India is providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises which includes the subjects that are the focus of higher secondary teaching, i.e. History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, are meant to take shape in the child’s imagination during at secondary level. With such intentions, the syllabus has focused on theme and involvement rather than information.
In this Social Science Course, Hunar India introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum which ensure that understanding does not suffer by burdening the child with too much information and detail. The approach of teaching has been consistent in various pedagogic priorities.

Course content

Mathematics Premium

  • 16
  • 454
  • 235
  • 6
  • 0
English - First Flight
  • 3
  • 0
English - Foot Prints
  • 2
  • 0
  • 4
  • 0
Hindi Grammar
  • 1
  • 0
  • 3
  • 0