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In addition to being highly reputed and prestigious, banking sector jobs in India can be extremely lucrative. Additionally, it offers monetary benefits in the form of various allowances, a good salary package, and job security. Many students are aspiring to become bankers due to this and apply for annual bank examinations to do so.

It is important to note that there are various banking exams that are conducted every year. To ensure selection in bank exams, a thorough understanding of all the exams, their timelines, exam syllabuses, and exam patterns is imperative. 

Given below is the list of major upcoming bank exams which are conducted by different banks:

Agency Publishing the Bank Exam Notification

Bank Exam

State Bank of India (SBI Exams)



SBI Clerk Exam

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS Exams)



IBPS Clerk Exam(CWE Clerical)


Reserve Bank of India (RBI Exams)

RBI Officer Grade B Exam

RBI Assistant Exam

India Post Payments Bank


National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development


Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF Exams)



IBPS: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a central recruitment agency under the ownership of Ministry of Finance, Government of India that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctorates at the rank of Group 'A' officer, Group 'B' officer, Group 'C' employee and Group 'D' employee in nationalized banks and regional rural banks in India. It also provides standardized systems for assessment and result processing services to organizations. 

The foundation of the Institute is based on the philosophy of Speed, Accuracy, and Confidentiality in all its activities and it strives to achieve this through a blend of modern technology and academic expertise.

SBI: Every year thousands of candidates await to join the State Bank of India as a probationary officers. SBI Exams are conducted by the State Bank of India to hire eligible candidates for various posts like SBI Probationary Officer (PO), SBI Clerk (Junior Associates), and SBI Specialist Cadre Officer (SCO/ SO).  The State Bank of India is the largest public sector bank in the country.

RBI: The Reserve Bank of India conducts examinations for recruitment to various posts in the RBI. The RBI was established in 1935 and nationalized in 1949. It is the apex bank in the country responsible for maintaining the Consolidated Fund of India and formulating banking policies. A job in the apex bank is considered highly prestigious, and hence the competition is high and equivalent to other Government exams.

Bank Exams - Eligibility

The exact eligibility requirements for a particular exam are mentioned in the notification, but at least one of the following parameters must be met to qualify for a bank exam in India.


Bank Exam Eligibility Condition


A candidate must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal/Bhutan, a Tibetan Refugee, a person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan/Burma/Sri Lanka/East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Age Limit

The age of the candidate must not be less than 20 years and more than 28 years as on the date prescribed in the notification.

Educational Qualification

The candidate should have a graduation degree from any recognized university in India.

Bank Exams - Pattern

Most of the banking exams conducted by IBPS, SBI, and RBI are three-level exams consisting of

  • Preliminary or Phase-I

  • Mains or Phase-II

  • Interview

Phase-I is a screening round. Hence, it is qualifying in nature for most of the banking exams unless stated otherwise. The score of Mains and Interview is taken into consideration for the final selection of the candidates. It is also important to note that apart from an overall cutoff, the bank exams in India also have a minimum sectional cutoff. If a candidate does not pass the qualifying cutoff for all the sections, he will not be eligible to appear for the next round. 

Bank Exams - Syllabus

While the detailed and exact syllabus is mentioned in the notification of each exam, most bank exams follow a similar syllabus. It is important to note that the complexity and difficulty level of each exam is different from each other. It is also different for each level namely Prelims and Mains (wherever applicable). For eg, the PO exam is a bit on the difficult side as compared to the Clerk exams. At the same time, the prelims exam will be comparatively simple than the Mains exam. Now, let’s see a brief overview of the bank exam syllabus:

Reasoning: Reasoning is one of the most analytical sections in IBPS PO study material. If you practice well and clear your concepts it can be one of the most scoring sections in the IBPS PO exam. Reasoning is a subject that needs practice. Continuous practice will help you clear your concepts and do well in your exams.

Our experts suggest practicing the reasoning section well and don't waste much time on a particular topic. Practice questions on all the topics and try to improve your speed and accuracy. 

  • Syllogism

  • Reverse Syllogism

  • Coding-Decoding

  • New patterns of Coding-Decoding

  • Basics of Inequality

  • Blood Relations

  • Direction Sense

  • Input-Output

  • Data Sufficiency

  • Circular Arrangement

  • Basics of Puzzles 

  • Ranks of Alphabets, etc.

 Quantitative Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude is qualifying in nature as it is all about formulae and concepts. It can be a really easy topic if you are clear on your concepts. IBPS PO study material for quantitative aptitude will help them tighten their grip with equations and theorems and will push them hard enough to be conversant with the technicalities of this section.

This section can be a score booster for you if you have prepared it well. Learn various short tricks & techniques to solve the questions. This will help you to attempt maximum questions in the time span of 20 minutes. 

  • Simplification & Approximation

  • D.I Basics, Pie Chart, Table Chart, Bar Graph, Line Graph, Mixed Graph, Missing D.I

  • Number Series

  • Quadratic Equations

  • Simple Interest

  • Compound Interest

  • Mixture & Alligation

  • Partnerships

  • Percentages

  • Pipes & Cisterns

  • Age-based problems

  • Profit, Loss & Discount

  • Ratio & Proportion

  • Time, Speed & Distance

  • Time & Work, Time & Work 

  • Probability, etc. 

English: English can be a very intimidating subject for candidates with inbuilt fear of this section. Our experts have suggested top-notch and supreme-quality study material for IBPS PO for your better understanding of the subject. English is a subject with major weightage to vocabulary and grammar. It is advised to go through these rules on a daily basis to avoid any confusion and better improvement in this section. You have to give special attention to this subject. 

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Cloze Test

  • Para Jumbles

  • Fill in the blanks

  • Error Spotting

  • Sentence Correction

  • Shape up your vocabulary

  • Roots of Words

  • Idioms & Phrases

  • Grammar Scholar, etc. 

General Awareness: General Awareness is one of the important sections of any mains exam. General Awareness tests your IQ level about how much you are aware of the happenings around us, it is an easy-to-score subject. 

A total of 40 questions are asked from this particular section in the IBPS PO mains Exam. The medium is both English and Hindi. The candidates must be well acquainted with banking terms and other general things related to the bank. General Awareness is further divided into three sub-sections which are Banking Awareness, Current Affairs, Static GK.

Banking Awareness

Current Affairs

Static GK

Nationalization of Bank

Recent scientific and technical developments

Indian River System 


Economic-related issues

Indian Mountain Ranges 

History of Banking

National and International, Social and political issues

GI Tag 

Development of Banks

Environmental and ecological issues

Indian Dam 


Sports and film affairs

Folk Dance


RBI related information

National Park

Reserve and Ratios by RBI

Current events, etc.

Famous Places


President and Prime minister 


Indian Census 


Sports GK 

Money Market

Famous Slogans

Capital Market 

Capital and currency 

Foreign Trade 

Military Exercises 


Government Scheme 

Banks Ombudsman

Agriculture in India 

Bank terminology

Union Ministers of India, etc.

Social Welfare, etc.

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PDF Notes: Creating short notes, highlighting pertinent points, and making these as easy to access, organize and reference as possible should become a priority. This will ultimately help with information retention, as the concentration and active listening it requires will fire up cognitive processes that enhance learning.

Practice Questions: Questions have long been used as a teaching tool by teachers and preceptors to assess students' knowledge, promote comprehension, and stimulate critical thinking. Well-crafted questions lead to new insights, generate discussion, and promote the comprehensive exploration of the subject matter.

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