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SSC GD Constable Exam

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)/SSC - GD
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To begin with the preparation for any exam, the candidates must be aware of the complete & accurate exam pattern along with a detailed SSC MTS syllabus to plan a full-proof strategy to score good marks in the particular exam. 
SSC GD Exam Pattern shall be of 160 marks and the questions shall be MCQ type. The exam comprises of 4 sections with 80 questions. The time allowed for the examination is 60 minutes. There is a negative marking of 0.25 Marks for each wrong answer. 
SSC GD Syllabus comprises questions on General Intelligence and reasoning, General Awareness and General Knowledge, Elementary Mathematics, and English/ Hindi language.
SSC GD Syllabus- General Intelligence and Reasoning:
SSC GD Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning consists of both verbal and non-verbal types of topics. This section will be key to examining the candidate's activeness and sharpness in any situation. The topics to be covered under SSC GD Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning are enlisted below- 
Similarities and differences
Space visualization
Spatial orientation
Blood Relations
Decision making
Visual memory
Relationship concepts
Arithmetical reasoning
Figural classification
Arithmetic number series
Non-verbal series
Coding and decoding
Statement conclusion
Syllogistic reasoning
SSC GD Syllabus - General Knowledge & General Awareness:
This section would be helpful for testing the candidate's awareness of General Knowledge and General Science and their application to society. Though the syllabus of this section is vast in terms of the following topics. 
India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research
Current Affairs
Books and Authors
Important Schemes
Important Days
People in News
SSC GD Syllabus- Elementary Mathematics:
In SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, the Quantitative Aptitude Questions focus on analyzing the candidate's ability to appropriately use numbers and number sense. This section is common in Tier-1 & Tier-2 and some of the topics are repetitive, so do prepare well to save time during your next stage of preparation for the same chapters. The topics for SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude as set by the commission are as follows- 
Computation of whole numbers
Decimals and Fractions and Relationship Between Numbers
Profit and Loss
Partnership Business
Mixture and Alligation
Time and distance
Time & Work
Ratio & Proportion
Square roots
Graphs of Linear Equations
Trigonometric ratio
Fundamental arithmetical operations
SSC GD Syllabus- English Language:
Of all the sections in SSC GD, the English section will be only in the English language. The candidates have to solve the questions asked in the exam which would analyse their understandability of the subject and their basic comprehension and writing ability would also be tested. Good command over the following topics would help the candidates to excel good score in this section. 
Phrases and Idioms
One-word Substitution
Sentence Correction
Error Spotting
Fill in the Blanks
Spellings Correction
Reading Comprehension
Synonyms/ Homonyms & Antonyms
Active Passive
Direct/Indirect narration
Shuffling of Sentence parts
Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
Sentence Improvement
Cloze test
SSC GD Syllabus- Hindi:
Verbal Ability

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