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 IBPS RRB 2022 Exam: 

IBPS is expected to release IBPS RRB 2022 notification in June 2022 to recruit eligible banking aspirants for Office Assistant (Clerk) and Officers Scale-I, II & III in different Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) across the country. With the release of IBPS RRB Notification 2022, IBPS has released the exam dates, eligibility criteria, online application link, vacancies, selection process, exam centers, pattern, and syllabus, etc. Till that time, you can download the Official Notification for the previous year by clicking on the link mentioned below. 

IBPS RRB 2022 Exam Summary

The detailed advertisement for the vacancies will be published by the Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection on its official website tentatively in June 2022. For more details about IBPS RRB 2022, go through the below summary table.


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)

Post Name

Probationary Officer, Clerk, Officer Scale -2 & 3


To be notified

Participating Banks


Application Mode


Registration Dates

To be notified

Exam Mode


Recruitment Process

Officer Scale -1, 2 & 3: Prelims- Mains- Interview 
Clerk: Prelims- Mains


Varies for different posts

Official website

IBPS RRB 2022 Exam Dates Out

IBPS has released exam dates for IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 along with its IBPS Calendar 2022. The candidates preparing for IBPS RRB 2022 can check the important dates from the below table and plan their preparation accordingly. All the important dates related to IBPS RRB 2022 examination are given below:




IBPS RRB Notification

June 2022

Online Application Starts on

June 2022

Online Applications will end on


Pre-Exam Training Schedule


Call Letters for Prelims Exam

July 2022

IBPS RRB Preliminary Examination
(Officer Scale-I & Office Assistant)

07th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st August 2022

Online Examination – Main / Single Officers (II & III)

24th September 2022

Officer Scale I Mains Exam

24th September 2022

Office Assistant Mains Exam

01st October 2022

Final Result (Provisional Allotment)

01st January 2023

IBPS RRB 2022 Vacancy

The vacancies for the IBPS RRB 2022 (CRP RRBs XI) exam will be announced in June 2022 along with an IBPS RRB notification PDF. Last Year, IBPS had introduced 12958 vacancies for the posts of RRB Office Assistant and Officer Scale-I, II & III. The revised vacancies for IBPS RRB PO and Clerk are 6888 and 4716 respectively. The table for Post-wise and Category-wise vacancies is mentioned below.

IBPS RRB Vacancy 2021


Vacancies (7th June 2021)

Increased Vacancies (10th June 2021)

Office Assistants (Multipurpose)



Officer Scale I



Officer Scale II (Agriculture Officer)



Officer Scale II (Marketing Officer)



Officer Scale II (Treasury Manager)



Officer Scale II (Law)



Officer Scale II (CA)



Officer Scale II (IT)



Officer Scale II (General Banking Officer)



Officer Scale III






IBPS RRB 2022 Online Application

The Online Application link for IBPS RRB 2022 Office Assistant and Officers Scale-I, II & III, will be activated in June 2022 a day after the release of official notification at the official website of IBPS i.e., All candidates can check all the important details regarding IBPS RRB apply online by clicking on the link mentioned below:

IBPS RRB 2022 Application Fee

The online application fee for IBPS RRB 2022 exam was increased last year. A total of Rs. 850/- is to be paid by candidates belonging to General Category as the application fee for both IBPS RRB Assistant and IBPS RRB Officers exams and Rs. 175/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD category.





Other Category



IBPS RRB 2022 Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for IBPS RRB 2022 Exam, a candidate is required to fulfill the given eligibility criteria:

Eligibility Criteria


Nationality /Citizenship

  1. a Citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or
  2. a subject of Bhutan or
  3. a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
  4. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

Age Limit 

For Office Assistant (Multipurpose)- Between 18 years and 28 years i.e.,   candidates should have not been born earlier than 02.06.1993 and later than 01.06.2003 (both dates inclusive). 
For Officer Scale- I (Assistant Manager)- Above 18 years - Below 30 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1991 and later than 30.06.2003 (both dates inclusive). 
For Officer Scale-II (Manager)- Above 21 years - Below 32 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1989 and later than 31.05.2000 (both dates inclusive). 
For Officer Scale- III (Senior Manager)- Above 21 years - Below 40 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1981 and later than 31.05.2000 (both dates inclusive). 

Language Proficiency

Candidates applying for the posts of Office Assistant in any particular RRB are required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State/ UT in which the RRB is situated to be eligible for an interview.


Educational Qualification


 Educational Qualification


Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent
(a) Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRB/s*
(b) Desirable: Working knowledge of computers.


Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager)

i. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent Preference will be given to the candidates having degrees in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics or Accountancy;
ii. Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRB/s*
iii. Desirable: working knowledge of Computer.


Officer Scale-II General Banking Officer (Manager)

 Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Preference will be given to the candidates having degrees in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, and Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics, and Accountancy.

 Two years as an officer in a Bank or Financial Institution.

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Manager)

 Information Technology Officer
Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Desirable:
Certificate in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP, etc.

 One year (in the relevant field)

Chartered Accountant
Certified Associate (CA) from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

 One Year as a Chartered Accountant. 

Law Officer
Degree from a recognized University in Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.

Two years as an advocate or should have worked as Law Officer in Banks or Financial Institutions for a period of not less than two years

Treasury Manager
Chartered Accountant or MBA in Finance from a recognized university/ institution

One Year (in the relevant field)

Marketing Officer
MBA in Marketing from a recognized university

 One Year (in the relevant field)

Agricultural Officer
Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Dairy/ Animal Husbandry/ Forestry/ Veterinary Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Pisciculture from a recognized university or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate

Two Years (in the relevant field)

Officer Scale-III (Senior Manager)

Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Preference will be given to the candidates with having Degree/ Diploma in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy.

Minimum 5 years experience as an Officer in a Bank or Financial institution 



1. All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a University/ Institution/ Board recognized by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies and the result should have been declared on or before 28.06.2022.

ii. Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or before 28.06.2022 has to be submitted at the time of interview for the posts of Officers (Scale I, II, and III) and at the time of joining for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose).


Category Wise Age Relaxation:


Age Relaxation


5 years


3 years


10 years

Ex-Servicemen/Disabled Ex-Servicemen

Actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years

Widows, Divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried

9 years


IBPS RRB Clerk 2022 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for the selection to the post of Office Assistant is quite different to that of the exam pattern for the selection to the post of Officer Grade. For IBPS RRB Assistant 2022, the Exam will be conducted in two phases:

• Preliminary Exam

• Mains Exam

No interview process will be conducted for selecting candidates for the post of Office Assistant. Selection will be made purely on the marks obtained by the candidate in his/her Mains Examination.

IBPS RRB Assistant Preliminary Exam Pattern

S. No.









A cumulative time of 45 mins



Numerical Ability






IBPS RRB Assistant Mains Exam Exam Pattern

S. No.






Reasoning Paper



A cumulative time of 2 hours



General Awareness Paper




Numerical Ability Paper




English/Hindi Language Paper




Computer Knowledge






No interview is required after the Mains Exam to get selected for the post of Office Assistant.

IBPS RRB Officer 2022 Exam Pattern

For IBPS RRB Officer 2022, the exam will be conducted in three phases:

• Preliminary Exam

• Mains Exam

• Interview Process

The final selection will be made on the cumulative score obtained by a candidate in both Mains Exam and Interview Process

IBPS RRB 2022 Officer Grade Preliminary Examination

S. No.









A cumulative time of 45 mins



Numerical Ability






IBPS RRB 2022 Mains Exam (Officer Scale-I)

S. No.









A cumulative time of 2 hours 




General Awareness




Numerical Ability




English/Hindi Language




Computer Knowledge






A common exam (single exam) will be conducted for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II & III this year to select candidates on the basis of their professional knowledge.

IBPS RRB 2022 Syllabus

The syllabus for IBPS RRB 2022 is almost the same for IBPS RRB assistants and IBPS RRB Officers. Apart from the below-mentioned sections, an additional section of the professional knowledge section is asked for the Specialist Officer Grade-II.

Reasoning Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam

Odd One out




Blood Relation

Alphabet Test

Series Test


Ranking and Time

Causes and Effects

Direction Sense Test

Sitting Arrangements

Decision Making

Statement and Assumption

Figure Series

Assertion and Reason

Statement and Conclusion

Word Formation

Statement and Arguments

Statements and Action Courses

Figure Series Test

Miscellaneous Tests

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam

Number System


Decimal Fraction

Profit and Loss

Simple Interest

Compound Interest

Time and Work

Time and Distance





Ratio and Proportion


Case Studies

Charts and Graphs

Permutation and Combination


English Language Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam

Spotting Errors

Commonly Misspelled Words

Jumbled Words

Phrase Substitution

Fill in the Blanks

Jumbled up sentences

Idioms and Phrases

Cloze Tests


One word Substitution

Hindi Language Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam


Fill in the Blanks



Computer Knowledge Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam

Computer Fundamentals

Computer Abbreviations

Software and Hardware Fundamentals

Shortcut Keys


Basic Knowledge of the Internet

MS Office

History of Computers


Security Tools

History and Future of Computers

Virus, Hacking

General Awareness Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam

Current Affairs

Social Function of Banks



Indian and International Economy


Banking Terms

Awards and Honors



Books and Authors


Fiscal Monetary Policies


Repo and Reverse Repo Rate

History of Banking

IBPS RRB 2022 Salary 

IBPS RRB Salary varies for the post’s releases. IBPS RRB officers receive their salary as per the latest revised pay commission and the approximate monthly salary has been tabulated below- 

Post Name

Monthly Income

Officer Scale-I

Rs. 29,000 - Rs. 33,000

Officer Scale-II

Rs. 33,000- Rs. 39,000

Officer Scale-III

Rs. 38,000 - Rs. 44,000

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 20,000

IBPS Clerk Preparation

IBPS RRB exam difficulty level varies from basic to moderate. There are very few sections that have difficult questions. Students should assess their current preparation level, find their strengths and weaknesses, then go through the strategy-making part. For example, students who are just starting the preparation should focus more on the basics. Students who have been preparing for some time and facing difficulties in certain sections should take more practice tests. Sometimes personal doubt sessions with faculties can provide great solutions to your problem but you don’t get that attention in a class full of students.

To bring your preparation on the fast track, we have launched the Career Power learning platform to get the IBPS RRB exam syllabus broken into subjects, topics, and sub-topics. There are video lectures for each subtopic that are further broken into levels to go from basics to advance in a very structured manner. With multiple mock tests and practice tests available for each subject, topic, and subtopic, you can improve your performance day by day. You can also book personalized 1-to-1 doubt sessions with expert faculty with full attention to your problem.

IBPS RRB Cut-Off 2022

The cut-off for IBPS RRB 2022 will be released once the paper for the same has been conducted. The cut-off for Preliminary Exams and Mains Exam will be different. The cut-off marks will be generated both state-wise as well as category-wise.

IBPS RRB 2022 Exam: 

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a recruitment process every year to select officers and office assistants in various Regional Rural Banks (RRB) across the country. The IBPS RRB Official Notification is expected to be released in June 2022.

IBPS RRB exam 2022 for the Office Assistants and Officer Scale-I posts is scheduled on August 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 2022. The RRB exam for Officers Scale II & III will be held on September 24, 2022. The IBPS RRB is expected to fill over 10,000+ vacancies in 2022. 

IBPS RRB is a national-level banking exam held every year by the IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) for the aspiring candidates to join the Regional Rural Bank.

The IBPS RRB exam is conducted to fill in the vacancies for the posts of Officers and Office Assistants. Here is the list of posts in table given below:


Office Assistant

Marketing Manager

Treasury Manager

Officer Scale – I

Banking Officer Scale - II

Agriculture Officer (Grade – II)

Law Officer (Grade – II)

Law Officer (Grade – II)

Chartered Accountant (Grade II)

Officer (Grade III)

IT Officer (Grade II)


IBPS RRB Exam Date 2022

The IBPS RRB exam dates are yet to be announced. Given below are the tentative dates for IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022:


IBPS RRB Exam Dates 

Beginning of IBPS RRB online registration process

June 2022

Last date for IBPS RRB application form submission

to be notified

Call letter release for IBPS RRB Pre-exam Training for Officer Scale I

to be notified

Admit Card for Pre-exam Training for Office Assistant

to be notified

Pre-exam Training for Office Assistant

to be notified

Admit Card for IBPS RRB Prelims exam

to be notified

IBPS RRB Prelims Exam Date (Officer Assistants and Officer Scale-I)

August 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 2022

Mains Exam (Single Officers Scale II and III)

September 24, 2022

Mains exam date (Office Assistants)

October 01, 2022

Declaration of the result of preliminary exam

September 2022

Call letter release for the interview

November 2022

Provisional allotment

January 2023

Here are the key points of the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022: 



Full-Form of IBPS RRB

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection - Regional Rural Bank Exam

Conducting Body

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)

Exam Level


Frequency of Exam


Application Process


Mode of Exam


Exam Duration

  • Prelims: 45 Minutes
  • Mains: 2 hours

Language of the Exam

English, Hindi, Telugu, Assamese, Gujarati, Urdu, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Manipuri, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Bengali

Selection Process

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Mains Exam
  • Interview

Official Website 


IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Notification

The IBPS RRB official notification for 2022 is expected to be released in June 2022. All other necessary details such as the number of vacancies, exam dates, and selection procedure will be announced soon with the release of the official notification.

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Vacancy Details

The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection has not yet released the number of vacancies for the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022. A total of 12,958 vacancies were announced for the IBPS RRB 2021. One can expect the IBPS RRB Vacancies 2022 to be approximately similar.


Vacancies (2021)

Increased Vacancies (2021)

Office Assistants (Multipurpose)



Officer Scale I



Officer Scale-II (Agriculture Officer)



Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer)



Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)



Officer Scale-II (Law)



Officer Scale-II (CA)



Officer Scale-II (IT)



Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer)



Officer Scale III







IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Criteria

The students appearing for the IBPS RRB 2022 exam must know the IBPS RRB Eligibility Criteria that have been set up by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. The IBPS RRB Eligibility Criteria is discussed below in detail:

IBPS RRB Eligibility: Nationality

A candidate must be either

  • A Citizen of India
  • A subject of Nepal
  • A subject of Bhutan
  • A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

IBPS RRB Eligibility: Age Criteria

The candidate applying for the various posts under the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 must follow the age criteria as tabulated below:


Age Limit

For Officer Scale- III

21-40 years

For Officer Scale-II

21-32 years

For Officer Scale- I

18-30 years

For Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

18-28 years


IBPS RRB Eligibility: Educational Qualification

The educational qualification for various posts under the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 are:



Educational Qualification

Experience Required

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

  • Degree in any discipline. Proficiency in the local language. Knowledge of Computer skills.


Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager)

  • Degree in any discipline. Candidates having a degree in Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference.
  • Proficiency in the local language.
  • Knowledge of Computer skills.


Officer Scale-II General Banking Officer

  • Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks.
  • Candidates having a degree in Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference.

2 years as officer in a Bank or Financial Institution.

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (IT)

  • Degree in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology with a minimum of 50% marks 
  • Certification in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP, etc will be given preference.

1 year (Relevant Field)

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (CA)

Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

1 Year as Chartered Accountant

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (LA)

Degree in Law with a minimum of 50% marks.

2 years as advocate/ law officer

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Treasury Manager)

Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India OR MBA in Finance.

1 year (Relevant Field)

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Marketing Officer)

MBA in Marketing.

1 year (Relevant Field)

Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Agriculture Officer)

Degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture with a minimum of 50% marks.

2 years (Relevant Field)

Officer Scale-III

  • Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks.
  • Candidates having Degree/Diploma in Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference.

5 years as officer in a Bank or Financial Institution.


IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Application Form

The IBPS RRB Application Form will be out on the official website of IBPS in June 2022. The candidates can fill the form online only on the official website of IBPS.

The candidates are free to apply for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) and Officers as well. But for the Officer post, they can only apply for a single cadre.

Given below are the steps to fill out the application form for IBPS RRB 2022.

Step 1: IBPS RRB Registration

  • Visit the official website
  • Click the ‘New Registration' link
  • For IBPS registration, enter a name, phone number, email id, and security code
  • On successful registration, a provisional registration number and password are generated. The same is also sent to the registered email ID and mobile number.
  • Note down the provisional registration number and password.
  • Data entered during registration cannot be changed.

Step 2: Fill out the detailed IBPS RRB Application form

In this part, candidates need to enter basic details, educational qualifications & experience, and preferences.

  • Enter the basic details such as the category, nationality, personal details, select exam centers, date of birth, gender, father's name or mother's name, address, etc.
  • Post this, candidates must proceed towards filling educational qualifications, work experience, and languages.
  • On the next page, candidates need to enter the preferences of banks.

Step 3: Upload Scanned Documents

Candidates need to upload the scanned images of photograph, signature, left thumb impression, and handwritten declaration as per the format given below:



File Size 


200 x 230 pixels (preferred)

20 KB-50 KB


140 x 60 pixels (preferred)

10 KB-20 KB

Left Thumb Impression

240 x 240 pixels

20 KB-50 KB

Handwritten declaration

800 x 400 pixels

50 KB-100 KB

Step 4: Preview

Before the final submission of the IBPS application form, candidates must preview it and make the necessary changes if any. After making the relevant changes, candidates must agree to the terms and conditions and submit the application.

Step 5: Fee payment

  • Fee payment can be paid using online payment gateways such as using Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
  • An e-receipt will be generated after a successful fee payment.
  • Take a printout of the e-receipt and online application form

IBPS RRB 2022 Application Fees

IBPS RRB 2022 Application Fee details are as follows:



IBPS RRB Application Fee

Officer (Scale I, II & III), Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

General/ OBC/ EWS

INR 850

Officer (Scale I, II & III), Office Assistant (Multipurpose)


INR 175


IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Exam Centres

The official notification from the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will include a list of IBPS Clerk 2022 exam centres. The Prelims and Mains exams for IBPS Clerk 2022 will be held at the exam centres notified by the authorities.

The list of IBPS RRB exam centers in various states across the country is tabulated below:




IBPS RRB Exam Center

Andhra Pradesh

Anantapur, Chirala, Chittoor, Guntur, Hyderabad, Kakinada, Kadapa, Kurnool Nellore, Ongole, Puttur, Srikakulam, Rajahmundry, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam

Arunachal Pradesh

Naharlagun, Itanagar


Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Jorhat, Kokrajhar, Silchar, Tezpur,


Arrah, Aurangabad, Bhagalpur, Bihar Sharif, Darbhanga, Gaya, Muzaffarpur, Patna, Purnea, Samastipur, Siwan


Bhilai, Bilaspur, Raipur


Ahmedabad, Anand, Gandhinagar, Himatnagar, Jamnagar, Mehsana, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara


Ambala, Bahadurgarh, Gurgaon, Hissar, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Palwal, Panipat, Sonipat, Yamuna Nagar

Himachal Pradesh

Baddi, Bilaspur, Dharamshala, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan, Una

Jammu & Kashmir

Baramulla, Jammu, Kathua, Samba, Srinagar


Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Bokaro


Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Davangere, Gulbarga, Hubli, Kolar, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga, Udipi


Alappuzha, Kannur, Kochi, Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrichur

Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, Jabalpur, Sagar, Satna, Ujjain


Amaravati, Aurangabad, Chandrapur, Dhule, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Latur, Mumbai/ Thane/ Navi Mumbai, Nagpur, Nanded, Nasik, Pune, Ratnagiri, Sangli, Satara




Ri-Bhoi, Shillong






Angul, Balasore, Bargarh, Baripada, Berhampur (Ganjam), Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Jharsuguda, Rourkela, Sambalpur




Amritsar, Bhatinda, Fatehgarh Sahib, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Mohali, Pathankot, Patiala, Phagwara, Sangrur


Ajmer, Alwar, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Sikar, Udaipur

Tamil Nadu

Chennai, Coimbatore, Dindigul, Krishnagiri, Madurai, Nagercoil, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem, Thanjavur, Tiruchirapalli, Thoothukodi, Tirunelveli, Vellore


Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Warangal



Uttar Pradesh

Agra, Aligarh, Allahabad, Banda, Bareilly, Bulandhshaher, Faizabad, Gonda, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Mathura, Meerut, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Varanasi


Dehradun, Haldwani, Haridwar, Roorkee

West Bengal

Asansol, Bardhaman, Berhampur, Durgapur, Hooghly, Howrah, Kalyani, Greater Kolkata, Siliguri


IBPS RRB Exam Pattern 2022

IBPS conducts a two-stage written test for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant posts while for Officer Scale-II and III, there is only one written test.

Candidates applying for Officer level posts have to appear for an interview round before the final selection. There is no interview for Office assistants.

  • The exams are online-based having multiple-choice questions.
  • There is a negative marking of one-fourth marks for each wrong answer.

IBPS RRB Prelims Exam Pattern 2022 for Office Assistant

Name of Section

Number of Question






A cumulative time of 45 mins

Numerical Ability






IBPS RRB Prelims Exam Pattern 2022 for Officer Scale-I

Name of Section

Number of Question






A cumulative time of 45 mins

Quantitative Aptitude






IBPS RRB Mains Exam Pattern 2022 for Office Assistant

Name of Sections

Number of Questions






A cumulative time of 2 hours is provided

General Awareness



Numerical Ability 



English/Hindi Language



Computer Knowledge






IBPS RRB Mains Exam Pattern 2022 For Officer Scale-I

Name of Sections

Number of Questions






A cumulative time of 2 hours is provided

General Awareness 



Quantitative Aptitude 



English/Hindi Language 



Computer Knowledge







IBPS RRB Syllabus 2022

Applicants must be aware of the IBPS RRB Exam Syllabus to prepare for the critical topics on the exam. The following is the syllabus for IBPS RRB 2022:

  • Quantitative Aptitude: Mensuration, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Permutation & Combination, Simple Interest, Probability, and so on.
  • General Knowledge: Agriculture, Current Affairs, Awards & Honors, Indian Economic, International Economic, Budget, Sports, Shares, Finance, etc.
  • Logical Reasoning: Analogy, blood relations, coding-decoding, direction sense, figure series, odd man out, puzzles, syllogism, sitting arrangement, and so on are examples of reasoning sections.
  • English Language: Comprehensions, Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks, Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms and Antonyms, and so on.
  • Computer Science: Computer History, MS Office, Number System, Operating Systems, Software, and Hardware, and so on.

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Selection Process

The IBPS RRB Selection process involves three stages as discussed below:

IBPS Preliminary Exam

  • A preliminary examination is conducted before the Main Examination. This exam is applicable for the Office Assistant and Office cadre I post.
  • There will be 80 questions for 80 marks, with candidates having 45 minutes to answer them. There will be 40 questions from Reasoning (common to both posts), 40 questions from Numerical Ability, and 40 questions from Quantitative Aptitude for the Officer Scale I.

IBPS RRB Mains Exam

  • It is a 200 marks examination comprising 5 sections (English/Hindi, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, Financial Knowledge, and Professional Knowledge) as per the post, a candidate is applying for. The aspirants must check out the preparation tips to score better marks in the exam.
  • The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using the equi-percentile method.
  • Scores up to 2 decimal points shall be taken for the purpose of calculations.
  • Candidates are shortlisted for interviews by considering the scores obtained in the main examination.

IBPS RRB Interview Round

  • Candidates who clear the main examination for the RRB exam are eligible to appear for an interview.
  • The minimum marks required to qualify for the IBPS RRB interview is 40% (35% for reserved candidates).
  • Candidates must check out the interview preparation tips shared by the toppers and experts before appearing.
  • Candidates are selected on the basis of the 80:20 ratio of Mains and Interview.
  • Candidates who qualify for the interview are selected for the provisional allotment process.
  • Post interview, a combined score is generated including the sum of marks obtained in the Main examination and interview.

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Expected Cutoffs

The IBPS RRB 2022 cut-offs will be published on the official website of IBPS. The IBPS RRB Cutoff does not remain constant from year to year. Certain factors, such as the number of candidates applying for the degree, the number of successful candidates in that particular year, the number of exam vacancies, and the level of the question paper affect the cutoff every year.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Expected Cut-Off

Given below is the Expected Prelims IBPS RRB Cutoff list for the Office Assistant post:

State Name

State-wise Cut-Off (UR)

Andhra Pradesh












Himachal Pradesh


Jammu & Kashmir







Madhya Pradesh










Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh




West Bengal



IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Expected Cutoff

Given below is the Expected Mains cut off for the IBPS RRB Office Assistant:

State / UT

Office Assistant Mains Expected Cut Off 

Andhra Pradesh


Arunachal Pradesh












Himachal Pradesh


Jammu & Kashmir







Madhya Pradesh



















Tamil Nadu






Uttar Pradesh




West Bengal



IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 Salary and Benefits

IBPS RRB Salary varies depending on the posts. IBPS RRB officers’ salary has been revised as per the latest pay commission. The approximate salaries for each position under the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2022 are tabulated below:

Name of the Post

Monthly Income

Officer Scale-I

INR 29,000 - INR 33,000

Officer Scale-II

INR 33,000- INR 39,000

Officer Scale-III

INR 38,000 - INR 44,000

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

INR 15,000 - INR 20,000


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