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LIC AAO 2023 Notification, Exam Date, Eligibility, Important Dates, Exam Pattern & Syllabus, Selection Process
‘300+ VACANCIES’ in
LIC Assistant Administrative Officers 2023
Prospective candidates, who aspire to join Life Insurance Corporation of
India as an Assistant Administrative Officer (-31st Batch), can
apply after carefully reading the notification regarding eligibility criteria,
online registration processes, payment of application fee, issuance of call
letters, process & pattern of examinations, etc. and ensure that they
fulfil the stipulated criteria and follow the prescribed processes.
There are 300 vacancies.. But, the total number of vacancies and the reserved vacancies are
provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements of LIC.
Category |
SC |
ST |
UR |
Total |
PwBD |
LD |
VI |
HI |
Current Year |
46 |
42 |
70 |
27 |
112 |
277 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Backlog |
4 |
5 |
14 |
00 |
00 |
23 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Total |
50 |
27 |
84 |
27 |
112 |
300 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
7 |
Abbreviations: SC- Scheduled Castes, ST- Scheduled
Tribes, OBC- Other Backward Classes, EWS- Economically Weaker Section, UR-
Unreserved, PwBD-Person with Benchmark Disability, VI- Visually Impaired, HI-
Hearing Impaired, LD- Locomotor Disability. ID- Intellectual Disability,
MD- Multiple Disabilities.
tentative schedule of events is as follows:
Activity |
Tentative Dates |
Start date for Online Registration of Applications and Online Payment
of Application Fee/ Intimation Charges |
15.01.2023 |
Last date for Online Registration & Online Payment of Application
Fee/Intimation Charges |
31.01.2023 |
Download of Call Letter for Online Examination |
7 to 10 days before examination |
Dates of Online Examination – Preliminary |
17.02.2023 & 20.02.2023 |
Dates of Online Examination – Main |
18.03.2023 |
Selection Process:
LIC selection process is conducted in three phases i.e. Phase-I,
Phase-II and Phase-III. Candidates who are shortlisted after Phase-I will have
to appear for Phase-II. Candidates who are shortlisted after the Phase-II will
be subsequently called for Phase-III.
LIC AAO Preliminary Exam 2023
- It is Computer
Based examination.
- Candidate
must pass in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks
in the aggregate in the preliminary exam.
- LIC will shortlist
candidates in each category (General/ SC/ST/PWBD) for the Mains
LIC AAO Mains Exam 2023
- It is a Computer
Based examination.
- The candidates
qualifying for the preliminary examination appear for this examination.
- Candidate must
pass in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks in
the aggregate to qualify for the online Mains examination.
- There is a
different cut-off list for qualifying the Mains examination for each
category (General/ SC/ST/PWBD)
LIC AAO Interview
- The LIC will
conduct Psychometric test for personality profiling, of those candidates
who will be shortlisted for Phase-III.
- Marks obtained in
the Main Examination only will be considered for short listing for
- Marks
obtained in Main examination plus marks obtained in interview will be
considered for final merit listing.
2023 Exam Pattern
Phase-I: LIC AAO Preliminary Examination 2023 – Computer Based
Examination- Objective Paper
- The preliminary
examination of the LIC AAO 2023 exam will comprise of Reasoning
Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language (with separate timings
for each section) for 70 marks.
- English Language
test will be of qualifying nature.
- The
Section-wise details are given below:
S. No. |
Name of test |
No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1. |
English Language with special
emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension |
30 |
30 (will be
of qualifying nature and the marks in will not be counted) |
minutes |
2. |
Quantitative Aptitude |
35 |
35 |
minutes |
3. |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
35 |
minutes |
Total |
100 |
70 |
1 hour |
Medium of Examination of different
subjects & Minimum Qualifying Marks for different categories are as
S. No. |
Name of
test |
Medium of Exam |
Minimum Qualifying Marks |
Others |
1. |
Language |
English |
9 |
10 |
2. |
Aptitude |
& Hindi |
16 |
18 |
3. |
Ability |
& Hindi |
16 |
18 |
- ** English
Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in English
Language will not be counted for ranking.
- Candidates equal
to 20 times of number of vacancies in each category, subject to
availability, will be shortlisted for Main examination.
- Candidate
must pass in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks
in the aggregate in the online Preliminary examination.
Preliminary Exam Syllabus
- Syllabus
for LIC AAO Preliminary Examination 2023 is as follows:
Quantitative Aptitude |
Reasoning Ability |
English Language |
Simplification |
Seating Arrangements |
Parts of Speech |
Simple and Compound Interest |
Direction Test |
Sentence Improvement |
Problem on Ages |
Input-Output |
Active and Passive Voice |
Probability |
Statement, Arguments, and Conclusion |
Singular-Plural |
Cistern and Pipe |
Analytical Reasoning |
Passage Completion |
Mensuration |
Coding-Decoding |
Vocabulary based questions |
Percentage |
Puzzles |
Subject-Verb Agreement |
Data Sufficiency |
Inequalities |
Spotting Errors |
Number Series |
Syllogism |
Direct and Indirect Speech |
Profit and Loss |
Logical Reasoning |
Para-jumbles |
Work and Time |
Blood Relations |
Reading Comprehension |
Average |
Order and Ranking |
Word Usage |
Quadratic Equations |
Alphabet and Number Series |
Error Corrections |
Ratio and Proportion |
Machine Input-Output |
Antonyms and Synonyms |
Surds and Indices |
Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series |
Idioms and Phrases |
Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line
Chart, Tabular, Radar/Web, Pie Chart) |
- |
Fillers |
HCF and LCM |
- |
Cloze Tests |
Permutation and Combination |
- |
Phrase/Connector |
Speed, Distance and Time |
- |
- |
Boats and Streams |
- |
- |
Approximation |
- |
- |
Partnership |
- |
- |
Phase-II: LIC AAO Mains Examination 2023 - Computer Based Examination
- Objective Paper
The Mains Examination of LIC AAO exam
2023 will consist of objective test of Reasoning, General Knowledge &
Current Affairs, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Insurance and Financial
Market Awareness for 300 Marks; and English Language (Letter writing & Essay)
for 25 marks.
Candidates will have to answer
descriptive test by typing on the computer.
Descriptive test will be administered
immediately after the completion of the objective test.
The Section-wise details are given
S. No. |
Name of test |
No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1. |
Reasoning Ability |
30 |
90 |
40 minutes |
2. |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs |
30 |
60 |
minutes |
3. |
Data Analysis & Interpretation |
30 |
90 |
minutes |
4. |
Insurance and Financial Market
Awareness |
30 |
60 |
Total |
120 |
300 |
1 hour |
5. |
English Language (Letter writing
& Essay) |
2 |
25** |
Minutes |
Medium of Examination of different
subjects & Minimum Qualifying Marks for different categories are as
S. No. |
Name of
test |
Medium of Exam |
Minimum Qualifying Marks |
Others |
1. |
Ability |
& Hindi |
40 |
45 |
2. |
Knowledge, Current Affairs |
& Hindi |
27 |
30 |
3. |
Analysis & Interpretation |
& Hindi |
40 |
45 |
4. |
and Financial Market Awareness |
& Hindi |
27 |
30 |
5. |
Language (Letter writing & Essay) |
English |
9 |
10 |
- ** Descriptive
test of English Language etc. will be of qualifying nature and the marks
in English Language will not be counted for ranking.
- Descriptive paper
of only those candidates will be evaluated who qualify in the objective
part of main Examination.
- Candidate
must pass in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks
in the aggregate to qualify for the online Mains examination.
Mains Exam Syllabus:
- Syllabus for LIC
AAO Mains Examination 2023 is as follows:
Data Analysis & Interpretation |
Reasoning Ability |
English Language |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs |
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness |
Pie charts |
Seating Arrangements |
Parts of Speech |
History of India |
Development |
Bar graphs |
Direction Test |
Sentence Improvement |
Indian Constitution |
Business/ Finance topic |
Data Handling |
Input-Output |
Active and Passive Voice |
Government Schemes |
Various laws and policies |
Data Derivation |
Statement, Arguments, and Conclusion |
Singular-Plural |
Government Policies |
History of Banking & Insurance |
Data Implementation |
Analytical Reasoning |
Passage Completion |
Books and Authors |
Financial institutes, terminologies
& derivations |
Elementary mathematics |
Coding-Decoding |
Vocabulary based questions |
Inventions and Discoveries |
Current Banking news |
- |
Puzzles |
Subject-Verb Agreement |
Geography of India and the World |
Events related to insurance and
financial market |
- |
Inequalities |
Spotting Errors |
Environment Topics |
- |
- |
Syllogism |
Direct and Indirect Speech |
Sports News |
- |
- |
Logical Reasoning |
Para-jumbles |
New Legislations |
- |
- |
Blood Relations |
Reading Comprehension |
Important Days |
- |
- |
Order and Ranking |
Word Usage |
Person in News |
- |
- |
Alphabet and Number Series |
Error Corrections |
Indian Economy |
- |
- |
Machine Input-Output |
Antonyms and Synonyms |
National and International Events |
- |
- |
Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series |
Idioms and Phrases |
Awards and Honours |
- |
- |
- |
Fillers |
Science and Technology |
- |
- |
- |
Cloze Tests |
Committee, Commissions and Reports |
- |
- |
- |
Phrase/ Connector |
National and International
Organization |
- |
LIC AAO Interview
- Marks obtained in
the Main Examination only will be considered for short listing for
- Maximum Interview
marks are 60.
- The number of
candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number
of vacancies to be filled in subject to availability of successful
candidates in the online main examination and will be purely as per their
ranking in their respective category.
- Minimum
qualifying marks for EWS, Unreserved, OBC, SC, ST & PwBD are as
S. No. |
Category |
Qualifying marks for Interview |
1. |
Unreserved |
30 |
2. |
30 |
3. |
30 |
4. |
/ST/PwBD |
27 |
Final Selection:
- Marks obtained in
the Main Examination only will be considered for shortlisting for
interview and marks obtained in Main Examination + marks obtained in
Interview will be considered for final merit listing of candidates.
- The marks obtained
in the Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for preparing
the final merit list for selection.
Criteria (on 01.01.2023):
- Minimum Age shall
be 21 years (completed) as on 01.01.2023. Maximum age shall not be more
than 30 years
- Candidates must
have been born not earlier than 02.01.1993 and not later than 01.01.2002
both days inclusive only are eligible.
- Relaxations
in upper age limit for Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Other
Backward Community (OBC)/ Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECO) /Short
Service Commissioned Officers (SSCO) /Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
(PwBD) /Confirmed LIC employees/ shall be as under:
S. No. |
Category |
in upper age limit |
1. |
5 Years |
2. |
5 Years |
3. |
(Gen) |
5 Years |
4. |
(SC/ST) |
5 Years |
5. |
(OBC) |
5 Years |
6. |
(GEN) |
5 Years |
7. |
(SC/ST) |
5 Years |
8. |
(OBC) |
5 Years |
9. |
LIC employees |
5 Years |
Qualification (on 01.01.2023):
- Bachelor’s Degree
in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution.
- Candidates should
ensure that the educational qualification possessed by them shall be as
per the prescribed educational qualifications mentioned in the
advertisement and they fulfill the above eligibility criteria.
- No equivalent
educational qualification shall be considered as eligible by LIC of India.
- The educational
qualification mentioned should be from a University/Institute/ Board
recognized by Govt. of India / approved by the Government Regulatory
bodies and the result should have been declared on or before
- Proper documents
from Board / University for having declared the result on or before
01.01.2023 have to be submitted at the time of interview.
- The
date of passing the examination which is reckoned for eligibility will be
the date of passing appearing on the mark sheet / provisional certificate.
Application fees/ Intimation charges:
- Candidates will
have to make the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges through
the On-Line Mode.
- The payment can be
made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards,
Internet Banking, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
- GST at applicable
rate and Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application
fees/intimation charges will have to be borne by the candidate.
- Application
Fees/Intimation Charges for different categories are as follows:
S. No. |
Category |
Fee |
1. |
SC/ST/ PwBD candidates |
Charges of Rs. 85/- +Transaction Charges + GST |
2. |
For all
other candidates |
Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 700/- + Transaction Charges + GST |
Steps to Apply for LIC AAO Exam 2023:
- Candidates can
apply online from 15.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. No other mode for application
will be accepted.
- Visit the LIC’s
official link for application:
- Click on “Apply
Online” and then Click on ‘Click Here for New Registration’.
- Enter the Name,
e-mail address and mobile number.
- A provisional
registration number and password will be sent to the registered email
address and registered mobile number.
- Before applying
online, candidates should be ready with/ for the following Documents:
S. No. |
Documents |
Format |
Pixels |
Dimensions (in cm*cm) |
File Size |
Pen Ink |
1. |
Photo |
jpg |
200 x 230 |
4.5 x 3.5 |
20-50 kb |
- |
2. |
Signature |
jpg |
x 60 |
- |
10-20 kb |
Black ink |
3. |
Left Thumb Impression |
jpg / jpeg |
240 x 240 |
3 x 3 |
20-50 kb |
On white paper with black or blue ink |
4. |
Hand Written Declaration |
jpg / jpeg |
800 x 400 |
10 x 5 |
50-100 kb |
On white paper with black or blue ink |
- Signature in
CAPITAL LETTERS will NOT be accepted.
- The left thumb
impression should be properly scanned and not smudged. (If a candidate is
not having left thumb, he/she may use his/ her right thumb for applying.)
- The
text for the hand written declaration is as follows:
“I, _______ (Name of the candidate),
hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form
is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when
- The above
mentioned hand written declaration has to be in the candidate’s hand
writing and in English only.
- If
it is written and uploaded by anybody else or in any other language, the
application will be considered as invalid.
Ques. What is the mode of registration?
Ans. The registration can be done only through online mode.
Ques. What is the educational qualification for an LIC AAO
Ans. A candidate appearing for the LIC AAO exam must be a graduate of
any stream.
Ques. Are graduation marks required to qualify for the LIC AAO
Ans. Graduation marks are not considered as eligibility criteria for
the LIC AAO Exams. However, the candidate must be a graduate in any
stream, from a recognized University, or any institution recognized by the
Central Government.
Ques. Is the LIC AAO exam bilingual?
Ans. Yes, the LIC AAO Exam is conducted in English and Hindi
language. However, the English language section is in English only.
Ques. Is there any group discussion or personal interview after
qualifying for the Mains exam?
Ans. Yes, there is a personal interview after qualifying for the Mains
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