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‘1673 VACANCIES’ in
Prospective candidates, who aspire to join State
Bank of India as a Probationary Officer, can apply after carefully reading the
notification regarding eligibility criteria, online registration processes,
payment of application fee, issuance of call letters, process & pattern of
examinations, etc. and ensure that they fulfil the stipulated criteria and
follow the prescribed processes.
PO Selection Process
SBI selection process is conducted in three
phases i.e. Phase-I, Phase-II and Phase-III. Candidates who are shortlisted
after Phase-I will have to appear for Phase-II. Candidates who are shortlisted
after the Phase-II will be subsequently called for Phase-III.
SBI PO Preliminary Exam
· It is Computer Based examination.
· The candidates must qualify an
overall cut-off in the preliminary exam.
· SBI shortlists candidates in each
category (General/ SC/ST/PWBD) for the Mains Examination.
SBI PO Mains Exam
· It is a Computer Based examination.
· The candidates qualifying for the
preliminary examination appear for this examination.
· The candidates must qualify an
overall cut-off in the mains exam.
· There is a different cut-off list
for qualifying the Mains examination for each category (General/ SC/ST/PWBD)
Psychometric Test
· The Bank may conduct Psychometric
test for personality profiling, of those candidates who will be shortlisted for
· Finding of the test may be placed
before the Interview panel for having a through perspective on the candidates.
PO Exam Pattern
SBI PO Preliminary Examination – Computer Based Examination- Objective Paper
· The preliminary examination of
the SBI PO 2022 exam will comprise of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative
Aptitude and English Language (with separate timings for each section) for 100
· The Section-wise details are given
Sl. No. |
Name of test |
No. of Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
1. |
English Language |
30 |
Total Maximum Marks 100 |
20 minutes |
2. |
Quantitative Aptitude |
35 |
20 minutes |
3. |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
20 minutes |
Total |
100 |
1 hour |
· For each question for which a
wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 1/4th of marks assigned to that
question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score.
· If a question is left blank, i.e.
if no answer is marked by candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
· Category wise merit list will be
drawn on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Examination.
· Sectional Marks will not be
maintained for Preliminary Examinations.
· Candidates numbering 10 times
(approx.) the numbers of vacancies in each category will be short listed for
Mains Examination from the top of above merit list.
PO Preliminary Exam Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude |
Reasoning Ability |
English Language |
Simplification |
Logical Reasoning |
Reading Comprehension |
Profit & Loss |
Alphanumeric Series |
Cloze Test |
Mixtures &
Allegations |
Test |
Para jumbles |
Simple Interest
& Compound Interest & Surds & Indices |
Data Sufficiency |
Miscellaneous |
Work & Time |
Coded Inequalities |
Fill in the blanks |
Time & Distance |
Seating Arrangement |
Meaning/Error Spotting |
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere |
Puzzle |
Paragraph Completion |
Data Interpretation |
Tabulation |
Vocabulary |
Ratio &
Proportion, Percentage |
Syllogism |
Sentence Improvement |
Number Systems |
Blood Relations |
Association |
Sequence & Series |
Input-Output |
Error Spotting |
Combination &Probability |
Coding-Decoding |
Verbal Ability |
SBI PO Mains Examination – Computer Based Examination- Objective Paper
· The Mains Examination of SBI PO
exam 2022 will consist of objective test of Reasoning & Computer Aptitude,
English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation and General/Economy/Banking
Awareness for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 50 marks.
· The Descriptive Test will be
administered immediately after conclusion of the Objective Test and candidates
will have to type their Descriptive Test answers on the computer.
· The Section-wise details are given
(i) Objective Test: The duration of objective test is 3 hours,
and it consists of 4 Sections of total 200 marks. There will be separate
timing for every section. |
Test |
Name of the test |
No. of Qs. |
Max. Marks |
Duration |
I |
Reasoning &
Computer Aptitude |
40 |
50 |
50 minutes |
II |
Data Analysis &
Interpretation |
30 |
50 |
45 minutes |
General/ Economy/
Banking Awareness |
50 |
60 |
45 minutes |
IV |
English Language |
35 |
40 |
40 minutes |
Total |
155 |
200 |
3 hours |
(ii) Descriptive Paper |
English Language
(Letter Writing & Essay) |
2 |
50 |
30 minutes |
Grand Total |
250 |
· For each question for which a
wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 1/4th of marks assigned to that
question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score.
· If a question is left blank, i.e.
if no answer is marked by candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
· Sectional Marks will not be
maintained for Mains Examinations.
· Category wise merit list will be
drawn on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in Phase-II (Mains Exam).
· Candidates numbering up to 3 times
(approx.) of the category wise vacancies will be shortlisted for Phase-III from
the top of the category wise merit list subject to a candidate scoring the
minimum aggregate qualifying score, as decided by the Bank.
PO Mains Exam Syllabus
Data Interpretation & Analysis |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude |
English Language |
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness |
Tabular Graph |
Verbal Reasoning |
Reading Comprehension |
Financial Awareness |
Line Graph |
Syllogism |
Grammar |
Current Affairs |
Pie Chart |
Circular Seating Arrangement |
Vocabulary |
General Knowledge |
Bar Graph |
Linear Seating Arrangement |
Verbal Ability |
Static Awareness |
Radar Graph Caselet |
Double Lineup |
Word Association |
Banking and Financial Awareness |
Missing Case DI |
Scheduling |
Sentence Improvement |
Banking & Financial Awareness |
Let it Case DI |
Input Output |
Para Jumbles |
Important Places |
Data Sufficiency |
Blood Relations |
Cloze Test |
Important Dates |
Probability |
Directions and Distances |
Error Spotting |
Important Persons |
Permutation and Combination |
Ordering and Ranking |
Fill in the blanks |
Important Organisations |
- |
Data Sufficiency |
- |
National News |
- |
Coding and Decoding |
- |
International News |
- |
Code Inequalities |
- |
Books & Author |
- |
Course of Action |
- |
Important Date & Days |
- |
Critical Reasoning |
- |
Famous Person & Places |
- |
Analytical and Decision Making |
- |
New Appointments |
- |
Internet |
- |
Sports & Awards |
- |
Memory |
- |
Obituary |
- |
Keyboard Shortcuts |
- |
Important Meeting & Summits |
- |
Computer Abbreviation |
- |
Full Forms |
- |
Microsoft Office |
- |
New Government Scheme |
- |
Computer Hardware |
- |
- |
Computer Software |
- |
- |
Computer Fundamentals /Terminologies |
- |
- |
Networking |
- |
- |
Number System |
- |
- |
- |
Operating System |
- |
- |
- |
Basic of Logic Gates |
- |
- |
Psychometric Test
· The Bank may conduct Psychometric
test for personality profiling, of those candidates who will be shortlisted for
Phase-III. Finding of the test may be placed before the Interview panel for
having a through perspective on the candidates.
· Details of Phase-III will Comprise:
Maximum Marks |
20 |
30 |
50 |
· The minimum qualifying marks will be decided
by the Bank.
· The candidates will have to
qualify both in Phase-II and Phase-III separately.
· The marks obtained in Mains
Examination (Phase-II), both in the Objective Test and the Descriptive Test,
will be added to the marks obtained in Phase-III for preparing the final merit
· The marks obtained in the
Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for preparing the final
merit list for selection.
· The marks obtained by the
candidates in Phase-II (Mains Examination both Objective & Descriptive
Tests) and Phase-III (Group Exercise & Interview) will be normalised to 100
marks as detailed below.
· The final merit list is arrived at
after aggregating (out of 100) converted marks of Phase-II and Phase-III.
· Selection will be made from the
top merit ranked candidates in each category.
of Chances
Candidates who have already appeared for the
maximum number of permissible chances are not eligible to apply. Details for
the maximum number of permissible chances are given as follows:
Category |
Max. Permissible Number of Chances |
General / EWS |
4 |
General (PwBD) / EWS (PwBD) |
7 |
7 |
OBC (PwBD) |
7 |
SC/ SC (PwBD)/ ST/ ST (PwBD) |
No Restriction |
· The number of chances will be
counted from the examination held on 18.04.2010.
· Appearing in Preliminary
Examination will not be counted as a chance.
· Appearing in Mains Examination
will be counted as a chance.
· In the years in which only one
written examination has been held (i.e. no Preliminary Examination has been
held), appearing in this examination will be counted as a chance.
The tentative schedule of events is as follows:
Activity |
Tentative Dates |
On-line registration including Editing/ Modification of Application
by candidates |
22.09.2022 to 12.10.2022 |
Payment of Application Fee |
22.09.2022 to 12.10.2022 |
Download of Preliminary Examination Call Letters |
1st /
2nd week
of December 2022 onwards |
Phase-I: Online Preliminary Examination |
17th/18th/19th/ 20th of December 2022 |
Declaration of Result of Preliminary Examination |
December 2022 / January 2023 |
Download of Mains Examination Call letter |
January 2023 / February 2023 |
Phase-II: Online Mains Examination |
January 2023 / February 2023 |
Declaration of Result of Mains Examination |
February 2023 |
Download of Phase-III Call Letter |
February 2023 onwards |
Phase-III: Psychometric Test |
February / March 2023 |
Interview & Group Exercises |
February / March 2023 |
Declaration of Final Result |
March 2023 onwards |
Pre-Examination Training for SC/ ST/ Religious Minority Community
candidates |
Download of call letters for Pre-Examination Training |
1st /
2nd week
of November 2022 onwards |
Conduct of Pre- Examination Training |
November 2022 / December 2022 |
Detailed Vacancies for SBI PO 2022 are as
Category |
SC |
ST |
UR |
Total |
VI |
HI |
LD |
d & e |
Regular Vacancy |
240 |
120 |
432 |
160 |
648 |
1600 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
Backlog Vacancy |
30 |
11 |
32 |
-- |
-- |
73 |
2 |
20 |
5 |
23 |
Total |
270 |
131 |
464 |
160 |
648 |
1673 |
18 |
36 |
21 |
39 |
Abbreviations: SC-
Scheduled Castes, ST- Scheduled Tribes, OBC- Other Backward Classes, EWS-
Economically Weaker Section, UR- Unreserved, PwBD-Person with Benchmark
Disability, VI- Visually Impaired, HI- Hearing Impaired, LD- Locomotor
Disability. ‘d & e’-PwBD categories under clauses ‘d’ & ‘e’ of
Section 34 (i) of RPWD Act 2016.
PO Eligibility Criteria
SBI PO eligibility criteria are based on four
1. Educational Qualification (as on
31.12.2022)- Bachelor’s degree (any stream) from a recognized university. Those
who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply
provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for an interview, they
will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before
2. Age Limit (As on 01.04.2022) - Not
below 21 years and not above 30 years as on 01.04.2022 i.e. candidates must
have been born not later than 01.04.2001 and not earlier than 02.04.1992 (both
days inclusive)
3. Nationality - Citizen of India,
Nepal, or Bhutan
4. Computer Literacy
to Apply for SBI PO Exam 2022
Candidates can apply online for the exam on the
official website of the SBI from 22.09.2022 to 12.10.2022.
to Apply
· Click on ‘Click Here
for New Registration’.
· Enter the Name, e-mail address and
mobile number.
· A provisional registration number
and password will be sent to the registered email address and registered mobile
Q. What is the mode of registration?
Ans. The registration can be done only through
online mode.
Q. What is the educational qualification for
an SBI PO Recruitment?
Ans. A candidate appearing for the SBI PO exam
must be a graduate of any stream.
Q. Are graduation marks required to qualify for
the SBI PO Exam?
Ans. Graduation marks are not considered as
eligibility criteria for the SBI PO Exams. However, the candidate must be
a graduate in any stream, from a recognized University, or any institution
recognized by the Central Government with equivalent qualification.
Q. Is the SBI PO exam bilingual?
Ans. Yes, the SBI PO Exam is conducted
in English and Hindi language. However, the English language section is in
English only.
Q. Is there any group discussion or personal
interview after qualifying for the Mains exam?
Ans. Yes, there is a group discussion and personal
interview after qualifying for the Mains exam.
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